Data Request Name First Last Email PhoneAre you a university employee, student or other?* Employee Student Other Your Department/Unit (employees and students only) Describe your request in detail below. Please include: • Purpose of the request (grant proposal, assessment, survey, etc.) • Description of the data needed (student enrollment, graduation or retention rates, employee headcount, student FYE to instructional FTE ratio, etc.) • For what time period (current semester, most recent fall semester, FY2006 to FY 2016, etc.) • Student type (undergraduate, graduate, First-time (NEF) , transfer-in (NET), etc.) • Employee type (faculty, classified, unclassified, etc.) Priority* High Medium Low By which date does this request need to be completed?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Will this be a recurring request? If so, please describe when this request needs to be completed on a recurring basis. For example, one week prior to the start of the fall semester or on the 30th day of each term.Is the purpose of this request for program review or accreditation? If yes, the Analytics and Institutional Research staff will schedule a meeting to discuss information that can be provided. Yes No