What does this mean to you?
This will affect our students in a variety of ways, so please carefully read the information below to determine what this change means for you:
- Students enrolled in Aviation Maintenance Technology, Certified Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician, Phlebotomy, and Respiratory Therapy programs will begin the Spring 2021 on campus as planned in order to meet license requirements. In-person classes for these students begins January 11, 2021.
- Students enrolled in online classes will begin the Spring 2021 semester as planned. On-line classes begin on January 11, 2021.
- Students enrolled in in-person classes (classes held on the ASU Mid-South campus) in programs not listed above, will attend classes remotely from January 11 through January 22. During this period, you should look for communication from your faculty in Canvas outlining your course expectations during these first two weeks of classes.
- High school students enrolled in the College’s Secondary Technical Center courses or in concurrent General Education courses may choose to report to the Wilson Conference Center in Magruder Hall, room 108, on our South Campus, during their regularly scheduled class time in order to access the College’s internet to complete their coursework. This space will be reserved to accommodate students who are unable to remain at home or on their high school campus during their regularly scheduled class time. Secondary Technical Center students enrolled in Certified Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician, or Phlebotomy courses will need to report to their classes, as scheduled.
- Please note: you must attend, whether your class is meeting in-person or remotely, in order to remain enrolled beyond January 26th. Those who do not attend will be removed from the roll, with NO option to return to that class. For those classes meeting remotely, attendance is defined as logging into the course and completing the assignment(s) specified by your instructor.
We ask that all students be vigilant in checking their ASU Mid-South email, texts, messages on the mobile app, and information on Canvas to make sure that you remain in good standing on your classes.
If you are uncertain about how this information affects your Spring 2021 class schedule, you should email your advisor or your instructor.
Help with Registration:
New adult students who need help with registration should contact admissions@asumidsouth.edu.
New and returning concurrent students who need to register or adjust their schedule should contact careercoach@asumidsouth.edu.
Textbooks, Student IDs, Parking Passes:
For questions about textbooks, contact the ASU Mid-South bookstore at asumidsouth@textbook-agent.com, or purchase your textbooks on-line from https://midsouth.textbooktech.com/.
Students who need student IDs and parking passes can secure them by scheduling an appointment with Enrollment Services. Email admissions@asumidsouth.edu.
Contact Your Advisor.
Adult Students who need to speak with an advisor can email myadvisor@asumidsouth.edu.
Concurrent students who need to speak with an advisor should email careercoach@asumidsouth.edu.
Take your placement tests (Accuplacer).
Visit the Testing Center page for more details. If you have questions, email testing@asumidsouth.edu.
Get Help with Financial Aid.
Submit your FAFSA application electronically at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Be sure to include ASU Mid-South’s Title IV school code: 015862.
For information about financial aid or to research scholarships, visit our ‘Pay For College’ page at https://www.asumidsouth.edu/financial-aid-start/.
Set Up a Payment Plan Online.
Visit the online method to pay through Nelnet Campus Commerce for Arkansas State University Mid-South https://www.nbspayments.com/signin/4JNJ3
Contact Career Pathways.
For qualified students, Career Pathways may be able to assist with tuition, books and more. Complete the Career Pathways Qualification Form and a staff member will contact you ASAP. For questions or to schedule an appointment, please email jwoodson@asumidsouth.edu
For scholarship assistance and forms visit https://www.asumidsouth.edu/financialaid/scholarship/
Tutoring Assistance
Contact 870-733-6766 or email askatutor@asumidsouth.edu to make an appointment.
Request a transcript